Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support


5 Places to Learn and Practice UI/UX Design

User Interface Design and User Experience design are two very different things but they are both interconnected. User interface design is the design of interfaces for computers and machines. UI/UX designers are heavily involved in the design process for gadgets. These designers design and create user-friendly interfaces for users that would have otherwise found it […]

5 Trusted Apps For Saving Your Passwords and Credentials

When it comes to saving important things, we need to be careful. It is very easy to misplace very important things like passwords for instance. Your membership information, insurance cards, Wi-Fi passwords, all need to be kept safe. We can’t put all of this information in our heads and always remember them. It’s very hard. […]

5 Places to Generate QR Codes for Free

QR is an acronym that stands for Quick Response. QR codes are fully called Quick Response Codes. They are matrix barcodes that first originated in Japan in 1994 for the automotive industry. QR codes can be read by machines and are optical labels that usually carry information or data about the item onto which they […]

7 Websites That Let You Generate Privacy Policies For Free

Writing privacy policies for your app, website or product used to be a really difficult task because it required you to check out other platforms that have done it before (including your competitor’s) and sometimes copy them, even. You would then go on to modify their policies to match yours. At least, that’s how I […]

5 Tools For Enjoying Netflix With Friends

Your Netflix Experience can be optimized in simple ways, even when you don’t know what to watch. We will be looking at some really awesome tools for supercharging your Netflix experience alone or with friends. Let’s get through these 5 tools to help you enjoy your Netflix experience with friends. Netflix Hangouts Netflix Hangouts is […]

5 Free Featured Image Designers For Your Content

Have you created an awesome content like a blog post or YouTube video and you need a featured image to help you sell your message? Well, you have come to the right place because I would show you five free graphic editors that you can use to create your featured image. Pixlr Pixlr is a […]

6 Powerful Youtube Channels For Learning Programming

Have you ever wanted to learn to program but find boot camps expensive? Fear not, there are other platforms where you can learn programming for free. Youtube is one of such platforms, I would be sharing popular channels on Youtube that can get you started on your programming journey. Netninja This is one of the […]

5 Tools For Converting Your Podcast to Video

Like Vlogging, podcasting is becoming more popular these days and what’s really interesting is that anyone can make a podcast with your phone or laptop. But it doesn’t end there, you would want to distribute your podcast after creating it. In this article, we will be looking at 5 tools that make it super easy […]

5 Websites That Let You Sign Documents For Free

Documents can easily become tedious to sign if you’re expected to sign so many in a short time. We will be looking at 5 Websites that let you sign documents for free. E-signatures became a thing back in 2012 and since then, the number of people opting to sign their documents electronically or digitally easily […]

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