Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Win a Starlink With Geegpay

How to Win a Starlink With Geegpay

I was browsing the Internet this morning and checking my email when I received this, So, I thought to share it with you guys:

“Hi Magnus,
This month of love, we will be gifting a lucky user a Starlink Internet for their remote and freelance work! Here’s what you need to do to participate and stand a chance to win.
🙋🏾‍♂️ How to win
  1. You must be a Geegpay verified user
  2. You must have carried out a credit USD transaction into your virtual USD bank account
  3. Quote our pinned tweet with a positive review of Geegpay, tag @geegpay_hq, and use the hashtag – #GeegpayStarlinkGiveaway
  4. Your tweet must have at least one like and a retweet (the more, the higher your chances)
  5. You must be following us on our TwitterInstagram, or LinkedIn account 😀
  6. You must have referred at least one verified user to Geegpay with your Raenest tag as referrer code (the more, the higher your chances)
⌛ Timeline
The giveaway ends on the 27th of February. The winner will be announced on the 28th of February.
Do have our best wishes! 🥰
With Love,
From Bella & The Geegpay Team”
How to Win a Starlink With Geegpay
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