Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Month: November 2014

Hilarious Throwback: Eminem’s Top 10 Pieces Of Advice For Kids

Of course, where else would you want to see something like that. It was on David Letterman’s Show. I can’t really tell the year but it’s been awhile – Go see “Toy Story 3”– The toys are back in town… So, he stood for almost three minutes to list 10 points. Funny enough, he never smiled […]

Women With Anger Issues, Is There A Cure?

Anger is part of being human. It is a natural response to an attack, an insult, a deceit or frustration. Sometimes, excessive anger can also be a symptom of some mental health problems. However, some women’s anger is just beyond the mentioned examples. A woman was searching for her purse in the market. Her firstborn, […]

Inspired: Collyde Prime – Small

Seriously, i never knew Collyde Prime writes. Last time i thought about it, illustrators are believed to be Animation freaks, i don’t remember the planter of that idea in me both it grew. Even when they do, pssstchew! na cartoons and fantasy. They create a world that doesn’t exist with a bad guy and some […]

Battabox Interview: Nigerian Parents Face The Big Question

“…you must be kidding, not in this house.” 🙂 LOL. That was a part of a parent’s reply. It wouldn’t call for much attention until you’re asked: Your Child says he wants to be a writer, what would be your reply? Okay, there are a million ways to place the question but it still comes […]

Women With Beards: All You Need To Know

Approximately 20 million American women need to remove facial hair at least once a week, according to a 1999 study done by Bristol Myers. It is not a disease but women with beards and hairs are often regarded as men, gross, impotent or witches. The growth of excess beards and hairs on women is usually […]

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