Magnus Okeke

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Battabox Interview: Nigerian Parents Face The Big Question

Battabox Interview

“…you must be kidding, not in this house.” 🙂 LOL. That was a part of a parent’s reply. It wouldn’t call for much attention until you’re asked: Your Child says he wants to be a writer, what would be your reply? Okay, there are a million ways to place the question but it still comes down to whether you would ALLOW your CHILD become a WRITER. Perhaps my voice isn’t loud enough here.

Battabox was at the recently concluded African Literary Evening in London with the big question and they’ve got replies. Watch the video below

Hmmm, the African Literary Evening In London (I missed that one.) Books at the event included “Kemi’s Journal” and “Eyo” by Abidemi Sanusi, “Imagine This” by Sade Adeniran – which was the 2008 Regioal Winner of the Commonwealth Prize for Best First Book and “Nothing Comes Close” by Tolulope Popoola.

Recommended: Out Now: The Life Of The Abused | Olatunde Turner-Edem

Now, with credits to Battabox, i’ve attached a downloadable format of the video ( mp4 ) for those without flashplayer for youtube. You really need to see this Video

Credits: Battabox


Battabox Interview: Nigerian Parents Face The Big Question
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