Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Year: 2021

CcHUB: Facebook Design for Epidemiology Hackathon

Via CcHUB We are excited to launch the “Facebook Design for Epidemiology Challenge”. This project is aimed at exploring and leveraging Facebook technologies (Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp), and data towards understanding, monitoring, and controlling the spread of diseases in Nigeria. The Design for Epidemiology Challenge, will take place in a form of a hackathon, whereby, […]

10 Websites and Ways to Add Subtitles to Your Videos

If you are a video content creator, then you are definitely aware of how strenuous it can get trying to add subtitles to your videos. If you publish your videos on YouTube, for instance, many of your viewers will request you to add subtitles to your videos for easy watching. But if you are a […]

5 Apps For Identifying Your Dog’s Breed Instantly

Identify your dog’s breed instantly with ease If you have just gotten a best friend and you want to know what breed they happen to be, then worry no more. In this article, we will be referring and redirecting you to five awesome apps that you could use for identifying your dog’s breed instantly or […]

7 Places to Learn SEO For Free Right Now

Looking to learn SEO for free? SEO which is short for Search Engine Optimisation is simply the process of optimising a website or content so that it gets more organic traffic. Organic traffic simply means traffic or website visitors from search engines. The main target of optimised organic traffic is to gain unpaid traffic rather […]

This Bontel Flip Phone Should be Your Backup Phone

I’ve been an evangelist of backup phones since my Nokia 6.1 Plus started having issues. The Nokia crashed on me one day and I was completely stranded. Then it happened again a few more times until I realized it was a general issue with Nokia phones at the time. I made a post about it […]

How To Download Your Udemy Course Certificate On Mobile

In my previous post, I talked about places to get expensive Udemy courses for 100% free. You can click here to check out that post If you haven’t. In this post, I will be talking about how to download your Udemy course certificate on mobile If you have finished watching the course content. But before […]

5 Tools For Converting Blog posts to Podcasts and Audiobooks

Are you a better listener than a reader? Do you find yourself easily distracted while reading and would prefer to listen to written contents instead? Well, congrats. Because there are now several tools out there on the internet, specially designed to read out written online contents to you. Thanks to text to speech technologies, your […]

5 Free Business Name Generators To Use Right Now

If you are about to launch a business, then you know that getting capital and planning your business launch can be very stressful. Now, if you add all that stress to the struggle of branding your business, any entrepreneur can get tired very quickly. People hire consultants and marketing strategists solely for the purpose of […]

5 Platforms That Let You Transfer Money From Ghana to Nigeria

Looking for the most effective means to transfer money from Ghana to Nigeria? Look no further. In this article, we will be listing five unique and efficient tools that will help you. Many times, traditional banks charge exorbitant rates for the transfer of money out of the borders of a country. Using the traditional method […]

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