Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Setup a Free Online Store From Your Phone With Bumpa

How to Setup a Free Online Store From Your Phone With Bumpa

Being someone who likes to show you how to make money and get things done from the comfort of your home, one of the things I haven’t been able to share on this blog is how to set up a store from home without hassle. Forgive me, I hadn’t really come across any platform out there that lets you do so from your mobile phone for free until I discovered Bumpa earlier this year. I even created a store with it – I’ll attach the link to my store at some point in this post.

First of all, I would like to walk you through this amazing platform, show you how to set up your own store and let you know why everyone is excited about Bumpa! Bumpa Aproko doctor twitter

What is Bumpa?

Bumpa (or GetBumpa) is a platform that makes it easy for you to create a store, manage orders and sell virtually anything online. It doesn’t matter the size of your business or what you sell. The platform facilitates every good, service and product out there, even if its just a T-shirt you made and want to sell.

It doesn’t end there, you can track orders, engage customers, track deliveries, receive payments & manage your inventory with Bumpa. And because it is tailored for small businesses, you don’t have to worry about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) when creating your store. The platform also provides free SSL and Whatsapp/SMS notifications for your store once you sign up.

Is Bumpa free?

Yes, It is free. There are no signup fees and you can install the app for free on Android and iPhone by visiting

Why everyone is excited about Bumpa?

Mostly because of how easy it is to register, create your store and add anything you would like to sell instantly. Then you can share your newly created shop with your friends. The entire process is quite easy and it only takes a few minutes. You also won’t see any codes or have to add any code while using or setting up Bumpa. The entire platform’s inbuilt features are neat, automated and work seamlessly.

Another reason everyone is jumping on the platform is because of how independent it makes them feel. When you create a Bumpa store, you have total control over it. You determine your prices and shipping fees. You can sell your old shoes, the new artwork you recently made, your new ebook, a bag of rice etc. You can sell anything on Bumpa!


That’s not all. You can also send emails, SMS and Whatsapp messages to all your customers from the Bumpa app. This makes it really easy to engage with them, fulfil their requests and even receive feedback to grow your business. For this part, most businesses and business owners would use a newsletter platform to send emails to Customers, but as I mentioned earlier, you can do this from the Bumpa app.

One last thing I really love about Bumpa and would like to mention is that you get to set the shipping fee of each product, and, also choose a dispatcher from within the app. What other platform is currently doing this? None. Bumpa gives you the option to choose from some delivery services that you can use to ship your product from its location to the customer’s location. So, you don’t have to stress about finding a dispatch rider.

Can I use Bumpa without a physical shop?

Yes. Of course, you can.

Can I sell anything on Bumpa?

Yes, you can. I recently started selling a few things there myself. Here they are

Can I use Bumpa Without a business account?

Yes. Think of it as owning a website. You don’t need a business account for that. Your money will be paid to whatever bank account you fill in your store settings after you create a store.

Can I join Bumpa without a BVN?

Yes. BVN is not required to register on Bumpa

How do I get Paid?

Simply go to Settings on the app and add your bank details. Payments will be settled into that account every time you make a sale.

How do I join Bumpa?

You can get the app on your phone and register with it. It will only take a few minutes. You can download the Bumpa app on

How do I contact Bumpa?

All social media platforms: @getbumpa
Bumpa’s official WhatsApp line +234 807 552 0621 (WhatsApp call)

My thoughts

I love Bumpa. It’s very different from similar platforms and payment processors that let you create your own store. I like the fact that you can set up and manage your store from the app. I also like the fact that you don’t need technical or legal requirements to join the platform. The platform simplifies e-commerce and its processes. To use Bumpa, you just need to download the app, create a store, list the products you want to sell & share your website link on social media.

How to Setup a Free Online Store From Your Phone With Bumpa
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