Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Tools For Converting Blog posts to Podcasts and Audiobooks

5 Tools For Converting Blog posts to Podcasts and Audiobooks

Are you a better listener than a reader? Do you find yourself easily distracted while reading and would prefer to listen to written contents instead? Well, congrats. Because there are now several tools out there on the internet, specially designed to read out written online contents to you. Thanks to text to speech technologies, your articles can now be read to you and you also have no problem converting them to podcasts or audiobooks.

5 Tools For Converting Blog posts to Podcasts and Audiobooks

Some people have reading difficulties like vision problems, while some other people have concentration problems like in ADHD patients. These text to speech tools can be used to overcome the challenges of having reading problems. Check out our top five recommended tools below.


Audiblogs is a platform where many content creators are able to publish their audio blogs for listeners. Audiblogs also allows users to convert web articles into audio blogs on the platform. The audio blogging platform has a podcast player that plays any web article of your choice in a human voice. Audiblogs posts are also timed, that is, they have durations so that users know how long an audio blog post will play for.

Audiblogs is for those who would prefer to listen to blog posts rather than read them. For some people, listening to blog posts are easier because you can go about cleaning, cooking, and other things while you are still assimilating information from the audio you are listening to. The platform also has a Chrome extension that you can use to listen to any article right from your Chrome browser.


Did you know that you could have your emails, text messages, articles, blog posts, online letters and other written online materials read out to you through a tool? Speechify is is a web tool that is useful for everybody especially those with vision problems, dyslexia, ADHD, concussions and other reading difficulties.

Speechify converts your texts in whatever format, into speech. The platform was founded by Cliff Weitzman and it is the ultimate reading assistant for you. This reading assistant tool is available as an extension on Chrome, you can also visit their website for more details.


Just like the name suggests, Podcastle is a great option for you to consider because it does the job of converting your favourite news contents and articles into podcasts that you can listen to. Apart from the article to podcast conversion that this tool offers, it is also an audio blogging platform where you can publish your own podcasts and get your voice heard globally.

In order to use Podcastle in your Chrome browser, you need to open the webpage of the article you wish to listen to. Then, click on the Podcastle icon in your web browser and click on the “convert to podcast” button. It will take about a few seconds to convert and you can also adjust the volume to preferred levels.


Listnr is a text to speech engine that will serve the purpose of converting your articles and blog posts into podcasts. If you also want to start publishing podcasts without recording anything, you can start by converting your own blog posts into podcasts. Listnr claims to be the world’s most advanced text to speech tool. You can confirm if this is true, by giving their platform a try to see for yourself.

On Listnr, you can browse through live radio, podcasts or audio messages to listen to. Also, currently, Listnr has almost 11 million streams monthly.


Tayl is the perfect tool that gives online written contents a voice. With this tool, you can convert your articles, news contents and entire blog pages into podcasts. You can choose to listen immediately to these podcasts or listen later when you’re free. The Tayl reading voice is also almost completely human-like. The tool is available as a Chrome extension and as an add-on on Firefox browser.


The five applications suggested above are popular and tested options for you to use. Some of these tools are completely free to use while others are available at a paid price for users. Also, you might have to test out each one of them to see which application best suits your needs. Articles, PDFs and other written materials can now be listened to in a breeze through any of the five tools recommended. Happy listening.

5 Tools For Converting Blog posts to Podcasts and Audiobooks
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