Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Trusted Freelance Platforms for Nigerians

5 Trusted Freelance Platforms for Nigerians
If you have a relevant skill that can be marketed, one of the best ways to get more money through that skill is by freelancing. What really is “freelancing”? Because the word gets thrown around nowadays. Freelancing is the act of selling your services to employers without a long term contract binding you. Freelancers usually possess skills that employers or clients are in need of.
Usually, the contract between the employer and the freelancer is very short and covers just a number of days or even hours. And in other cases, the contract could be as long as a year. But unlike an office job where the contract binds you infinitely till you are sacked or ready to leave your job, freelancers only have to work for a short period of time with a particular client. Freelancers could be writers, programmers, photographers, artists, etc. Anybody with relevant skill can be a freelancer.

5 Trusted Freelance Platforms for Nigerians

Arguably, the hardest thing about being a freelancer is trying to find a steady stream of clients who will patronize your service. This is what freelance platforms are for. On many established freelance platforms, potential clients of many skilled freelancers will post that they need a particular service, and freelancers will either put up an ad that they offer that service, or they will bid for that client to give them the job. So, we bring you the top 5 trusted freelance platforms for Nigerians below.


On Golance, freelancers can find work and also, clients can find the particular type of freelancers that they need for a particular service. Golance promotes and encourages remote working among freelancers from all around the world.  Golance promises that freelancers can find quality work and will only pay low transaction fees in return. Golance is more like a marketplace where freelancers can market themselves and clients can be assured of quick turnaround, you can build your team, get and create flexible contracts and get timely delivery. As a Nigerian, you can definitely bid on client projects relating to your skill on Golance. They pay through Bank/Wire transfer, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Payoneer.


Upwork is a very popular freelancing platform that boasts of the largest network of independent professionals who of course, are all freelancers. As a freelancer, Upwork is one of the surest places where you can find work. Your freelancing career can become a full-time business just by marketing yourself properly on Upwork. Clients who are also looking for potential skilled people can also find real talents on Upwork. With Upwork, freelancers can also build trusted relationships with their clients and grow in their area of specialization. Whether you are a Nigerian front end developer, writer, data analyst, copywriter etc. Upwork pays through Wire Transfer, Payoneer, Nigerian Bank and Paypal.


Fiverr is a great place to start your freelancing business on a steady. As a freelancer, you can market whichever skills that you possess on the freelancing platform for absolutely free. Whether you know how to build a mobile app, write copies, design logos, design WordPress sites, etc., you can find freelance clients on Fiverr. Fiverr is also very open to Nigerian freelancers, so feel free to post your skill and market yourself over there.


Terawork was specifically created for Nigerians by a Nigerian and they have an office in Lagos. The platform is a wonderful freelance platform where you can find clients who are in need of your freelance skills. Terawork has been featured on IBM and Forbes and it is a quality and well-trusted platform to get freelance jobs. Services such as freelance translators, voiceover artists, programmers, animators etc. Terawork marketplace allows you to put up your freelance talent and earn money from it.


Contra is great option for you as a Nigerian that has skills for freelancing. Although Contra is a new platform, they promise to set you right on your professional journey independently. All you have to do is, showcase your skills through your projects and you don’t need to upload any resumes or CVs to use the platform.
These 5 trusted freelance platforms are all available and open to Nigerians who are ready to earn money through their valuable skills. If you have the required skills and you are ready to work, then these 5 platforms are all worth giving a try.
5 Trusted Freelance Platforms for Nigerians
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