Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Places to Sell Your Side Projects

5 Places to Sell Your Side Projects
There are actually more random ways through which money can be made, and who would have thought that those almost abandoned side projects of yours could still fetch some cool cash. If you or your team have created a really cool technology website or online resource and it has become a side project that you want to hand over to someone else for a couple of dollars, then our recommendations below are for you. Your side projects don’t have to gather dust and eventually die off once you no longer want to work on them. They can have a new owner, yes, all you have to do is find the right platform to sell it on.

5 Places to Sell Your Side Projects

Selling your side project is a very efficient way of earning a part-time income and also making sure that your project lives on. Though, the keys to the ownership of your project will be transferred to the other person once they have made the payment. But at least, your side project did not die. It fetched you a little money and also remains useful and serves its purpose. So, without much further introduction, let’s look at 5 cool places on the internet where those side projects can be sold.

Buy My Side Project

On this website, you can buy another person’s side project or you can put up your own side project for sale too. The platform was built by developer Raumet and he also added a live stats feature to the web product so that other web visitors can check how many visitors are on the platform in real-time. People sell different types of side projects ranging from movie watching platforms to databases, widgets, whole websites (with the subscribers, articles, Ads etc.) and other types of software or tech products. Sellers will have to include links to their side project’s website, an asking price that buyers must-have, product description, images or screenshots of the product in action, and the sellers contact details. Buy My Side Project is worth giving a try if you wish to sell one of your side projects today.


Transferslot is a very good and effective marketplace for selling side projects that founders might want to hand over to new owners. Transferslot boasts of a community of trusted buyers and is a proud middleman for over 19 side projects that now have new happy owners. The platform says that they have been responsible for up to 1331 contact requests and a total of over $78,500 transacted. Sellers can sell any online product ranging from online shops to online courses, social media platforms, whole websites and more.


Borderline is a wonderful marketplace for side project owners and founders. On Borderline, you can sell your web applications, whether they are big or small to other willing buyers on the Borderline platform. Borderline allows all these buying and selling of side projects for free at no cost to you as a seller trying to market your side project to attract suitable buyers. To sell your side project, all you need to do is to visit their website and click on the “sell your project” button. People sell databases, websites, applications and more on Borderline.


Indiemaker is a great option for buying or selling all those wonderful side projects of yours that have started to gather dust. You can sell Saas, domains, social media accounts too! Indiemaker has up to 14,000 members in their community and online business founders can market their side projects for free with them. To get started, all you need to do is to visit their website, list your product for free, promote your product to the entire Indiemaker community, and pay for the outcomes.


Sideprojectors allows you to sell and show off your side project on their platform for free. Other users can view, comment and interact with your product listing. You can also share your side project listing with friends and family once you have posted it through social media sharing buttons. You will also need to state an asking price for potential buyers who might be interested in your side project. To get started, you need to register as a member, then log in and submit your side project.

Recommended: Sell domains you no longer need here

5 Places to Sell Your Side Projects
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