Magnus Okeke

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5 Places to Find 404 Page Content Inspiration

5 Places to Find 404 Page Content Inspiration

The 404 page is a landing page and it communicates just one single thing to your web visitors, “the page requested does not exist”. Sometimes, it does not necessarily mean that the requested page does not exist, it could mean that the page is not accessible at that period of time. What this means for your website user is that they will not be able to find the particular information that they need when they need it on your website. Now, this is not a good thing, is it?

One thing you don’t want to have too much on your website, is “too many” error pages aka 404 pages. This is bad for user experience and for ranking on search engines. If search engines, for example, Google, gets to know that there are too many 404 pages on your website, it can result in low search engine rankings and as a result, lower traffic being sent to your site. Trust me, you don’t want this to happen. But that is not the main point of why you’re here.

5 Places to Find 404 Page Content Inspiration

Once in a while, a web visitor is bound to stumble on a 404 page while browsing through your site. Just once in a while of course. You should make this rare event be a memorable one in the mind of that web visitor. The good news is that you can! Who said that 404 pages had to be boring? Not us. Your 404 pages can be dope and interesting. We recommend the following 5 places on the web to get some 404 page content inspiration for your website.

Oops Pages

A curated showcase of the best error pages on the web. Oops, pages is actually a subpage on the Tumblr platform. If you’re familiar with Tumblr, then you know that Tumblr is a social media network where users express themselves and also go into microblogging. This means that individuals can go into publishing content in any niche of their choice. And so, Oops Pages is on the Tumblr platform and the site has curated pictures of the best 404 error pages ever on the web. The site is a showcase of some of the best 404 pages you could ever find. Oops Pages promises to give you some of the best 404 pages ideas. And honestly, you should check them out.

404 Illustrations

404 Illustrations has some really trendy ready-to-use images for your 404 pages. You just have to go their website and download the images, and the plus side is that to download is entirely free! These 404 illustrations were created by the team at Kapwing who have created many tech solutions in the past apart from this one. There are so many awesome ideas in the images that you will download. You are bound to love them.

Better Error Pages

Better Error Pages is a free online tool created by the folks at Statuspage. With this tool from Statuspage, you can start building those really beautiful and free 404 pages right now. Also, your maintenance pages don’t have to look boring and yawn-inducing, they offer great content inspiration for those too. All you need to do is follow the three steps outlined on their website and you’re good to go!

404 New Tab

404 New Tab is a desktop extension tool that allows you to create some really interesting looking 404 pages. This tool is a great content inspiration for site owners, web developers and designers. The tool was created by developer Cjinghong and it allows you to see really cool 404 pages when you open a new tab on your desktop.


Nishi is a directory that contains images of several websites and their amazing 404 error pages. What this means for you is that, you can visit the Nishi web page if you want to design, build or create powerful-looking 404 pages.


Canva has a page containing 50 of the most creative 404 pages on the web. If the above 5 recommendations of 404 page content inspiration do not do enough justice to what you want for your 404 pages, you can check out our bonus link to an article written by the Canva team. This article has done all the work for you. In it, is curated top 50 of the best 404 pages on the internet. Now, that’s a huge list for you to get enough 404 page content inspiration from, isn’t it?

[bctt tweet=”Are you working on a 404 page for your website? Here are some places to find inspiration!” username=”iammagnus1″]

5 Places to Find 404 Page Content Inspiration
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