Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

6 Websites That Let You Create Resumes For Free

6 Websites That Let You Create Resumes For Free

If you ever feel frustrated at how long it would take to create a new Resume while searching for jobs then this post is for you. We will be looking at 6 websites that let you create Resumes for free in no time. Some of them will take you 1 minute or 3 minutes, depending on how much information/experience you want to add to the Resume.

Note: We are not looking at websites that let you download CVs or Resume samples. That’s old school. What we will be looking at are websites you can visit, fill in your details and generate your resume for free.

Let’s get started. ippy has been sold or updated. Please use instead. This platform lets you create an eye-catching Resume in minutes. It has a range of templates you can choose from, fill in your deets, and you’re done! ResumeMaker.Online allows users to create a resume through a smooth and straightforward experience. It’s also free and no registration required. You can also choose the colour and font for your Resume, change paper size, preview your Resume in 3D and download it in PDF.

Resume Builder: A free tool that lets you create a professional Resume in minutes. Resume Builder makes it dead simple to build a Resume, so you can get hired sooner. You can create a Resume with a template or Import your LinkedIn profile.

CakeResume: This platform believes that making your Resume should be a piece of cake. You can upload your Resume or CV in PDF format, then review and edit the imported information. Or you can just make your own Resume from scratch on the platform. To speed up the process, there is an option to import your LinkedIn information automatically and convert it to a Resume. CakeResume is not 100% free though. You can only create 1 Resume with it. A unique thing about I Need a Resume is that you can create a Cover Letter with it, apart from being able to create a Resume for free. Visit the website, fill your details in the Cover Letter and Resume fields, then download both the finished Resume and Cover letter. It’s that easy.

LinkedIn to Resume: Rezi made a Chrome extension that basically converts your LinkedIn profile to a Resume. You should use this if your CV is really detailed and updated.


CVRest: A tool to give you all you need to show your skills. It helps you create an Online CV, PDF CV, Cover Letter, Messaging Tool, Portfolio, and more in one place. With full control of your data privacy and appearance. It supports many languages, and it is FREE.

Thank you for checking this out. Don’t forget to check out: 5 Websites that let you create invoices for free

6 Websites That Let You Create Resumes For Free
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