Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Landing Page In Seconds

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Landing Page In Seconds

In the past, I have talked about tools that let you turn your Instagram profile into a website and ways to convert your LinkedIn Profile into a resume. I hope you did not miss those.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a page where users or visitors end up in when they follow a link or visit your website. It could contain anything to put there. It could contain your works, something you’re selling, a picture or anything.

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Landing Page In Seconds

In this post, we’ll be looking at how to turn your LinkedIn Profile into a landing page in seconds, or, rather, where to do that for free.

Stay with me. This is brief

  1. First, you visit
  2. Fill in your LinkedIn profile link (Don’t know how to get your profile link? Click here)
  3. Then boom! Vitaely turns it into a personal landing page for you.

It’s pretty easy. Just follow the link and instructions.

If you have any questions or need help, please leave your comments below.

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Landing Page In Seconds
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