Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

In Nigeria? You Should Invest In these Ideas

Since the birth (and death?) of MMM and similar Ponzi schemes in Nigeria, everyone has been really careful about where they put their money, most people actually. Anyways, I will be sharing a couple of Ideas or platforms or startups or… (call it whatever you want) that you should be putting your money in right now to get more money. And by more money I mean, you get both the interest (depending on how much was agreed/stated) and the money invested as well. Let me give you an example: If you invest/save N30,000 on PiggyVest, for example, you will get an extra 10% income after a number of weeks. 10% of 30,000 is not much, I know. That was an example.

If you’re looking to invest in small businesses or Ideas at an early age then I recommend you start here.

Also, If you have more money (100k and above) then you should check out this tweet by Mark Essien:

and be sure to also check the replies. A lot of helpful stuff there. Let’s get to the list.

Investment Ideas in Nigeria

FarmCrowdy: FarmCrowdy helps empower farmers in Nigeria by connecting investors to Farmers/Farms. These investors invest an agreed amount in the farms/poultry. At the end of a stipulated period, the investor gets his/her invested money back and an interest-based on an initially agreed percentage. You can learn more by visiting The site is pretty detailed as well.

Farmcrowdy is first on this list because I recently met the company’s Senior Finance Officer, Femi Owoeye at a private meetup organized by Paystack. Femi explained how it works, an insurance policy for your money and how anyone can invest in a farm… Anyone. You can learn a whole lot more about Farmcrowdy by visiting its website here.


ThriveAgric: This platform is in so many ways similar to Farmcrowdy but also different. They are backed by the team at Ventures platform and a product of Ycombinator’s startup school with a mission to ensure food security. Visit for more details.


PiggyVest: If you are having problems saving or would like to set aside some money for a specific purpose and also get some interest along the way then PiggyVest is for you. PiggyVest helps me save a specific amount from my bank account every day and has helped me save quite a lot of money. In fact, I wish I started saving earlier. Anyways, Why is PiggyVest on this list? Well, It was founded by Nigerians, for Nigerians and you get interests while you save. Why should you trust it? The company has an actual office in Lagos and all savings and deposits on the platform are insured. operates under the MFB license of VFD Microfinance Bank, regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria and insured by the NDIC (Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation), an independent agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria. They also respond really fast on Instagram when you leave them a message. Pause Savings, Withdraw your money anytime, Lock Savings etc. You can do some pretty amazing stuff with it. You can start using PiggyVest by clicking here


ALAT: Why is ALAT on this list? Well, ALAT lets you earn 10% from all savings as you save on the platform. Alat by Wema Bank does everything PiggyVest does, from my experience. It’s a bank in a mobile app. Another cool thing ALAT does is give you an ATM card for free when you register. I registered and got my bank card delivered to my house for free. I hadn’t even deposited any amount to my account when the card was delivered. They also give a virtual dollar card. You can fund your ALAT account from a local or foreign bank or from a Wema bank account. ALAT also allows you transfer money and pay bills at any time. You can register by visiting and use the referral code: 4RFRB6 so I get a reward. Thanks


Steemit: This is a bonus. Steemit rewards you for sharing content (videos, posts, photos and other media content) in Steem. Steemit users are rewarded for content curation and creation just like bitcoin miners are rewarded for mining the bitcoins. Steemit has 3 currencies: Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars and you can make a lot of money just by sharing meaningful content on the platform. If you haven’t heard about Steemit before I’d advise you to learn as much as possible before you dive in. You can start from I’m on Steemit by the way and I follow back:

That’s all for now folks. But this article will not be complete without your contributions. If you know any similar platforms that let you put money to make more money, please share. If you have also used any of these platforms then share your observations as well. Thank you

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In Nigeria? You Should Invest In these Ideas
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