Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

PiggyLink: You Can Now Accept Payments With PiggyBank

I wrote a long post a few days ago about Piggybank and some Ideas you should be investing in right now. You can read all about it here.

Piggylink: The Magic of Piggybank

So one of the new interesting features that PiggyBank recently added is the PiggyLink feature. The Piggylink feature helps you accept payments from anyone with your piggyBank account. What makes the PiggyLink feature really cool is that the users making the payments (to you) don’t have to be registered on PiggyBank to send you money. I tested the feature before this post and it only took 3 minutes. I also noticed the payment was accepted by RAVE. I thought they use Paystack?

Anyways, according to PiggyBank, The PiggyLink ensures you don’t spend money you earn with ease and I think it’s a great Idea. I also think it’d be even more awesome if the money received (from anyone who sends you money with your piggylink) goes straight to safelock… or a setting that lets you choose if you want all your money to go straight to safelock as you save… or not. Safelock lets you lock up your savings and gives you up to 30% Interest upfront for not touching the money. Some fixed deposit shit right there. You can SafeLock all or parts of your savings and get it back at a convenient time you set. (You can create multiple SafeLocks as well).

You can set up and start using the PiggyLink feature by Logging in to your PiggyBank account and going to Settings -> Account Settings -> PiggyLink Settings.

Do you need a bank account to register on PiggyBank and start accepting payments? Nope. You can register here for free

Here’s my PiggyLink in case you want to say thank you for this post or just test it.

Also, let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. That’d be Awesome.

PiggyLink: You Can Now Accept Payments With PiggyBank
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