Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Email Subject Line Generators and Testers

5 Email Subject Line Generators and Testers

The importance of having a great email subject line cannot be over-emphasized these days. This is especially true if you are a brand that is sending official emails to your potential customers and email subscribers. Apart from business owners who are using email marketing to promote their brands, another set of people need a killer and action-driven email subject lines are people searching for employment or freelancers in general. Depending on how promising and “hooking” your email subject line is, you can get more conversions, more leads, more customers, more clients, more job offers, etc, just by getting your email subject line right.

If your email subject line is not appealing enough and does not look promising from a glance, your target audience might not even bother themselves to open your email. And this is disastrous for brands, freelancers, business owners, etc. So, do you see how important it is to get the email subject line right? We bet that you do now. We’ll be sharing the top 5 effective email subject line generators and testers for your business.

This website is a good place to generate high converting email subject lines in just seconds. The online tool allows you to generate good subject lines that have high open rates in just seconds. All you have to do is fill in the input boxes on the home page. You will be asked to input the type of service you provide, for example, SEO services. Then you will also be asked to enter the name of the company you are targeting, for example, Apple Inc. Once you have entered your information, click on the “Generate” button. And in seconds, your best high converting email subject lines will display right before you.

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Cold Email Generator by PersistIQ will help you map out and create a compelling email marketing campaign very easily and as fast as possible. Cold Email Generator has cold email templates that you can use to cold-pitch your potential clients and customers. To get started, you will be asked to choose your target buyer persona. That is, who is your email recipient? Whichever persona you pick, you will be presented with 5 unique email templates you can use to reach out to your recipient. You can have the 5 templates emailed to you as well.

Send Check It

Send Check It is a great online web tool to use to test those email subject lines you have crafted. Test those subject lines you have written to know if they can stand out in your target recipient’s email inbox. If you want to get more people to open your emails just because of an inviting email subject line you wrote, then you can use this tool to check if your lines will hit. You can just paste your email subject line into the box on their home page and the subject will be tested for its scannability, reading grade level etc.

You can increase the readability and engagement with your target audience and clients by using the Mailshake web tool. The website deals, especially in email copy analysis. Right on their website home page, you get quick tips on how to write the perfect email pitches. The web tool helps to ensure that your email does not end up in the recipient’s spam folder. All you have to do is paste your already drafted email campaign or texts in the box and let the system analyze it for you.

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Test Subject

TestSubject by Zurb is an online web tool that helps you test your email subjects and will show you how the subject line you have written will display on different popular mobile devices. Because most mobile devices shrink your email subject lines, your email might not send the message you want to the recipient. Why? Because the email subject line does not hit the spot. So, with Test Subject, you can preview and test the way your subject line will look on most popular mobile devices.


Formatted Email Subject Lines by Cloud HQ

This is a Chrome web extension that allows you to change your email subject lines to have different formats like, bold, italics, bold italic, underline, strikethrough, black bubble etc. It sounds cool, right? The Chrome extension has up to 8,000 users. All you need to do is, add the extension to your desktop and follow the prompts to use it effectively.

These 5 email subject line generators and testers we recommended above are good options for you if you want to get better at email marketing.


5 Email Subject Line Generators and Testers
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