Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

A Barter Alternative for Generating Dollar Cards

A Barter Alternative for Generating Dollar Cards

Welcome to my latest article about a good Barter alternative for generating dollar cards if you’re in Nigeria, especially.

Barter seems to be having this issue where, If the date (or date of birth) associated with your BVN is incorrect, you will not be allowed to use some of the features on the platform. One of them being generating dollar cards for Facebook Ads, Spotify, Airbnb, Heroku, Netflix subscriptions and more. A friend of mine recently experienced this BVN issue and ran to me for an alternate option.

Wallets Africa came to mind immediately because I had the opportunity of trying the platform in it’s early (earlier) days and there was an option to generate dollar cards for a fee. I think for 1000 or thereabout at the time.

Anyway, she gave it a shot and it worked fine for her.

That’s not all, Wallets Africa now lets you generate dollar cards for FREE.

You can generate yours by visiting

What is Wallets Africa and how do you generate Dollar Cards with it? This other post explains all that.

A Barter Alternative for Generating Dollar Cards
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