Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

45+ Health Insurance Companies in Nigeria and Why You Need One

45+ Health Insurance Companies in Nigeria and Why You Need One

In my opinion, getting Health Insurance is one of the best gifts you can get yourself, and if possible for your family and employees. It’s not expensive and a basic health insurance plan will cover your medical checkups, treatments and consultations.

Why is a Health Insurance so Important?

You don’t have to pay a dime if you’re rushed to the hospital or if you need to run tests. if the situation costs hundreds of thousands, you’ll be required to pay less because you have Health Insurance.

Some modern health insurance companies (HMOs) have apps that let you consult doctors without going to the hospital.

What to Look Out For When Choosing A Health Plan

Here’s a list of things you need to look out for when choosing a health care plan;

Ensure that you look for insurers that offer a personal experience; 

Due to the fact that there are too many stories of insurance companies that offer impersonal and unhelpful information to their customers, while you are in search of the right health insurance company, it is advisable to go for insurers who fall more on the side of offering a personalized experience for their members/customers. 

Choose plans that help with saving costs; 

A large number of employees would be looking out for cost-reducing insurance plans so they do not feel too indebted or like a burden as opposed to something way out of budget. So it is advisable to get an Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plan. That way, your employees will have access to several high-quality providers without having to seek referrals before gaining access to specialists or having to go through a long route. 

Give the employees a proper education on how to select a well-put out and efficient health care plan; 

You should also note that your employees may be new to this and it may be your duty to direct them towards the right path, push them towards getting information from the right people outside your company of choice, and ask the broker from your insurance company for educative materials that could be shared among your employees to make their research faster, that’ll help widen the mindsets of your employees as to what plan suits or benefits them more. 

This would also help prevent any causes for complaint in the future and also help save costs. 

Offer plans that provide tech-supported health care options; 

Technology is now a big part of health insurance, several health insurance companies provide access to their information, with sites to book appointments and all-around help with health care services. 

This would assist your employees in actively catering for any medical issues they may have, it’ll push them into seeing the doctor at a quicker pace and also help you save money. 


It is essential to communicate to your employees the health care plan options they have and to always keep them informed about any deadline they may have for enrollment into the health care plans. It is also necessary that you make available support for them and also be ready to answer any of their questions while they are signing up. This is crucial to avoid issues for yourself in the near future.

45+ Health Insurance Companies in Nigeria

Avon Hmo Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Reliance HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
AIICO Multi Shield Nigeria Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Alleanza Health Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Anchor HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
AXA Mansard Health Insurance Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Clearline Health Insurance Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Defense Health Maintenance Ltd Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Dove Insurance Brokers Limited Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Expatcare Health Limited Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria No Website
Greenbay HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
HCI Health Insurance Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Healthcare Security Limited Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Hygeia Health Insurance Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Integrated Healthcare Limited Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Lifecare Partners Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Lifeworth HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Maayoit Healthcare Limited Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Marina Medical Services HMO Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Mediplan Healthcare Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Metrohealth HMO Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
NonSuch HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Novo HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Oceanic Management Health Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Paramount Healthcare Services Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Pinewood Medicare PPO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Premium Health Limited Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Prepaid Medical Services Ltd Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Princeton Health Limited Oyo, available anywhere in Nigeria
Pro Health HMO Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Redcare HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Regenix Healthcare Services Limited Bayelsa, available anywhere in Nigeria
Roding HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
RoHealth Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Ronsberger Nigeria Limited Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Royal Exchange HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Songhai Health Trust Limited Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Sterling Health HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
SUNU Health Nigeria Ltd Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Swift HMO Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Total Health Trust Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
United Healthcare International HMO Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
Venus Medicare Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Wellness Healthcare Lagos, available anywhere in Nigeria
Zuma Health Trust Abuja, available anywhere in Nigeria
45+ Health Insurance Companies in Nigeria and Why You Need One
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