Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Cribstock is like PiggyVest and Bamboo, but for Real Estate

Cribstock is like PiggyVest and Bamboo, but for Real Estate

Cribstock is solving a challenging problem faced by over 250 million Africans. The average real estate ownership age in Africa starts at 45. Through fractional ownership of properties more younger people can own real estate and enjoy similar benefits of a landlord.

What is Cribstock?

Cribstock is a platform that lets you invest in real estate properties. You visit the platform, find a property you like, check the number of units you can buy and the returns… Then invest in the property. It’s like buying a farm with PiggyVest if you remember doing that a few years back.

The platform lets you co-own properties and earn rent every month from happy tenants.

Is Cribstock free?

Yes. It is 100% free to use. To invest in a property, you have to fund your wallet first. They charge a withdrawal fee when you want to withdraw your money. I was charged 45 Naira when I did a test withdrawal. You can register for free by clicking here.

Is Cribstock a Scam?

No. It is not a scam. I deposited some money in July and invested in a property, then sold my shares back to the market and withdrew the money + interests, in August. I was basically testing it for this post.

Cribstock Founders

How do I withdraw my money from Cribstock?

So, this is why I said Cribstock is like Bamboo and PiggyVest. You need to sell your investment and profits back to the market to cash out. It’s as easy as that. So, let’s do the math with small money… If you invested ₦11,000, at 26% interest per month, you will make a total of ₦13, 860 after 1 month. If you want to withdraw your money, simply sell the 13,860 back to the market and withdraw your money.

How do I get Started with Cribstock? 

You can register for free by clicking here. They have an FAQ page here. The FAQ page covers all other questions you might have. Click here to check it out

Are the Investments in Nigeria too?

Yes. The properties are in Nigeria and you will see their locations on the platform

I received comments on TikTok that it was a scam. I reached out to the CEO for clarification and he gave me details about the business

Cribstock CEO


Where is Cribstock’s office and contact details?

Address: 90 Awolowo Rd, Ikoyi 106104, Lagos
Their WhatsApp and Phone Number:
Social Media handle: @cribstocks

Final Words before Using Cribstock

  • If you are starting out, don’t invest millions yet. Try the minimum about of 11k and see for yourself
  • Click here to register
Cribstock is like PiggyVest and Bamboo, but for Real Estate
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