Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Tools to Remove Twitter Followers

5 Tools to Remove Twitter Followers

5 Tools to Remove Twitter Followers

You must’ve thought of making a spring-clean on Twitter when you see you don’t vibe with some of your followers anymore. After all, we go through incredible changes along the way. And we may not be the same person who happened to let that follower in once. However, even though making a fresh start on Twitter sounds incredibly relieving and fresh, it’s easier said than done if you’re thinking of “mass removing” your followers. So, let’s say you want to remove your 100 followers (no need to mention even higher numbers). Twitter does not allow you to get rid of them all at once. You’re supposed to pick up them all one by one and remove them from your followers manually.

This sure sounds tedious!

However, a spectacular assistant to handle this demanding job is Twitter Management Tools. The tools help remove many followers on Twitter in a matter of seconds.

Throughout this article, I’ll share with you the 5 Best Tools to Remove Your Twitter Followers and help you pick up the best among the tools on the market.

#1 Circleboom

Circleboom Twitter is the best’ all-in-one’ tool that helps clean or remove all your followers in one click!

If you need to force unfollow some or all your followers, you can use the “remove follower” feature on Circleboom. Circleboom allows you to filter your followers by various features, like their verification status and activeness levels on Twitter.

The filter options help “mass remove” your followers quickly based on your followers’ common characteristics. You can find inactive, overactive, egghead, fake, spammy, bot, etc., followers and remove them with Circleboom Twitter.

Plus, you can bulk-unfollow or remove all your followers by clicking on “Remove Selected Followers.”

Moreover, Circleboom Twitter is a super-comprehensive tool, and removing followers is the least it can do for you.

You can also get rid of your old tweets, retweets, likes, or Twitter archive, with the help of Circleboom Twitter. You can even delete your old replies mentioning accounts you don’t want in your life anymore.

Notwithstanding, the best thing about the Circleboom Twitter tool is its price plans. The tool provides high-quality service and a wide range of life & energy-saving features at prices lower than most other tools on the market.

Circleboom Twitter iOS app makes it possible to enjoy removing Twitter followers on your iOS devices!

#2 SocialOomph

SocialOomph is the second “follower remove tool” used for Twitter. It helps manage your Twitter account easily with its various features, like unfollow tool.

This way, you cannot spend long hours on simple but repetitive tasks like removing your followers manually by going to their individual profiles individually.

Apart from unfollow tool, SocialOomph also offers bulk scheduling posts and automated posting. So, the tool is pretty convenient for automating and optimize your Twitter experience.

A 30-day free trial is available for SocialOomph, but it requires credit card verification, which is likely to repel first-timer users.

#3 Crowdfire

The motto of the Crowdfire tool is ‘Social Media Management, Simplified.’

It is an easy-to-use management tool to unfollow accounts. Like Circleboom Twitter, Crowdfire also tells you who doesn’t follow you back and allows you to select them all for “mass removing” from your followers.

If any follower of yours ever started following and dropped back in the following days, you can imagine how useful this feature can be for you!

Nevertheless, beware that the prices per social account (to connect) for Crowdfire are slightly higher than Circleboom (but lower than SocialOomph). So, I recommend you compare each tool’s price plans by their ‘price charged per account number.’

#4 iUnfollow

iUnfollow is a popular Twitter tool with more than 300.000 users since 2011. It is an exciting tool that lets you unfollow whoever does not follow you back. The tool lists the users that do not follow you and allows you to unfollow them with a single click.

But, unlike the tools above, iUnfollow does not offer you a full-automated service. So, you can’t remove all your followers altogether. Instead, you click on each profile that you want to unfollow. So, the tool is practically semi-automated.

iUnfollow may not be quite suitable or effective for you if you have (let’s say) thousands of followers to remove or unfollow. Yet, it is still recommended for its popularity and affordable price plan.

#5 Tweepi

Tweepi is the last Twitter management tool in this article. It uses state-of-art AI algorithms to help you optimize your Twitter account.

Like other tools above, Tweepi helps clean up your followed accounts list, identifying your non-followers. What stands out for Tweepi is that it gives ‘AI-generated’ unfollow suggestions.

Lastly, although it provides high technology, AI-based services for its users, Tweepi is one of the most expensive tools on the market. And it’s the most pricey one in this article.

This is because its price plans cover only one Twitter account, discouraging newcomers from subscribing to the tool.

All in all

Who doesn’t need a fresh feel on Twitter that comes with a massive follower clean? It’s quite natural anyway to feel you don’t resonate anymore with some of your followers.

But, considering Twitter doesn’t let you bulk remove your followers, we see that this relief may cost us a lot of time and patience!

Here is the point these excellent fellows come into play and save you from the double trouble. Yes, these fellows are Twitter Management Tools. They help remove lots of followers on Twitter in a few seconds.

Since there are many tools on the market, I thought picking up the five tools and sharing them with you would greatly help.

Circleboom Twitter tool that deserves the #1 spot in this article proves its superiority with its features and affordable price plans. So, I strongly recommend you sign-up for its forever-free tier plan and decide later whether to upgrade your Circleboom experience along the way.

5 Tools to Remove Twitter Followers
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