Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

10 Platforms that Let You Convert Your Social Media Content to NFT

10 Platforms that Let You Convert Your Social Media Content to NFT

NFT is an acronym for Non-Fungible Token and it is associated with the blockchain world. NFTs can be linked to digital pieces like pictures, arts, audio, videos and other-types of digital content. Because NFTs are linked to the blockchain, they have public proof of ownership. “Non Fungible” means that it is unique to an individual unlike popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum which are Fungible and identical. In this article, we will be looking at the various online tools available to you for converting your social media content to NFT. But before that, let’s look at NFT Minting. 

First of all, how do you Mint NFTs? 

How to Mint NFTs

NFT Minting is simply the process of making your digital file a part of the blockchain. When your digital file has been turned into an NFT and is part of a blockchain, this process is called Minting. To mint an NFT, you need:

  • A crypto exchange account
  • Ethereum
  • A wallet to store your Ethereum in
  • Use the crypto wallet to sign up for an NFT marketplace like OpenSea
  • Create your first NFT successfully. 

Wait. I know you want something more detailed: Here is a website that would teach you -> How to Mint NFT

10 Platforms that Let You Convert Your Social Media Content to NFT

OpenSea is not the only marketplace to mint on and you can also mint on other blockchains apart from Ethereum. The following ten platforms are useful tools to help you convert your social media unique contents to NFTs easily: 


iNFTsta is a great online tool that you can head over to and convert your Instagram content to NFT with. Their tool works very fast and easily and the best part is, it’s at no cost. All you need is your Instagram account and a web3 wallet to connect with through your browser. That’s really all you need to get started with converting your Instagram posts into NFTs. 


CocoNFT makes NFT creation very easy for social media content creators. Created and founded by Susan Randon, you can use the online tool CocoNFT to convert any social media posts into NFTs, fast and easy. Once converted, you can go on to start selling your NFTs on the marketplace. 


Did you know even your web content like blogs can be converted to NFTs? That’s exactly what BlogToNFT was created for. To help users convert their blogs into NFTs. All you need to do is sign up and have blog of your own to convert. 


On their website, at the top of the page is the straightforward “Mint” button that allows you to dive into minting straight without any delays. GitNFT also directs you to an NFT marketplace to sell your NFT after minting. You can also vote for other contributors’ NFTs and invest in promising ones. 


GitGallery allows you to convert your codes as a developer into NFTs. Now, if that isn’t amazing, we don’t know what else is! So, this is an opportunity for developers and tech gurus to make money in the NFT space. The point of this tool is to convert GitHub commits into NFTs. 

Beyond Mars Art

This software tool allows you to convert your digital arts into NFTs. Whether your digital art is on Instagram or anywhere else, you can create your personal online gallery on this platform and start selling your NFTs. 

Valuables by Cent

Buy & sell tweets autographed by their original creators. Valuables is a great platform created by the San Francisco based company, Cent. Jack Dorsey the CEO of Twitter sold his original first tweet on Valuables. Through this platform, you can buy and sell tweets that have been autographed by their authors. The purpose of this platform is to make tweets mintable and convert them to NFTs. 


The worlds best breweries & artists collide to create a premier marketplace for limited edition NFT beer art. Digital beer art you can own, collect and trade.


This platform was founded by Tom Brady and many in the cryptocurrency world see the platform making waves very soon. AutoGraphNFT allows you to get your NFT autographed by famous people. Also, celebrities from different sectors like the music, movie industry, sports are all joining this wonderful initiative.

NFT Port

With NFT Port, you can turn anything into an NFT for free. Whether they are images, music, videos, books, games etc. To start minting your digital files on this platform is entirely free and you don’t need prior experience in blockchain.  


These tools recommended are fantastic options for converting your social media content in whatever forms they are in, into NFTs. You can try any one of them to see which meets your needs best. Happy minting!

10 Platforms that Let You Convert Your Social Media Content to NFT
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