Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

5 Essential Instagram Marketing Tips

5 Essential Instagram Marketing Tips

Instagram is one of the most popular social media tools at your disposal. For marketing purposes, Instagram has become a worthwhile investment. You are able to sell your goods to an audience that are more targeted and active. Here are five effective Instagram marketing tips that you can use to milk the famous platform for all that it’s worth.

Switch to an Instagram business account

Be sure that you have an Instagram Business Account before you begin thinking about your Instagram marketing strategy. Getting a business profile has some obvious advantages.

A business profile legitimizes your Instagram account and allows you to add vital data such as business hours, location, and phone number of your company. The Instagram business profile helps you to create and publish Instagram ads without having to use the advertisement tools of Facebook. Instagram’s free analytics tools, called Insights, can also be accessed, and it includes stats about your posts’ views and scope. You need to start using them to track metrics and recognize your audience once you’ve activated the free benefits that come with a business profile.

Maintain a Consistent Pattern

Imagine each Instagram post as your website’s individual page, while each post can be good on its own, you’ll hopefully need to create a consistent marketing theme to retain the loyalty of an audience.

It is important to keep in mind that, I mean “theme,” as it applies to everything from hashtags and captions to stories and pictures. A consistent tone of voice and a cohesive feed aesthetic will need to be developed. In the end, the more specific and consistent you are with your messages, the more likely your most genuine audience is going to be interested. You may think it’s easier to appeal to more people across different themes, but ultimately, staking your claim in a particular niche will help you build stronger, more authentic interactions.

Use Instagram’s free tool

Instagram business account share some similarities with Facebook business account. You can view statistics like impressions, engagement details, and more through Insights. You can also get a rundown of your followers’ demographics, including data on their age, gender, location, and most active hours. Insights are not generalized. For the week, you will get detailed insights on posts that show you how many views you received and what your top posts were for that time span. These free tools are essential because you can use them to know exactly how the content communicates with users. The more you know about how your posts connect with users, the more you can change your marketing strategy to improve interaction.

Use an interactive branded hashtag

If you’re trying to create instant interaction, the perfect way to get it is to use engaging hashtags. The tag can then be used by customers to post their own content. This enables users to browse through all your brand-related posts. It also helps you to quickly browse through photos on your own page that you may want to consider re-posting.

Creating a hashtag that can be searched for by your business (and other users) is basically free advertising. If you already have a recognized brand slogan or phrase, consider using is it as a hashtag for your brand. With their hashtag, #ShareACoke, Coca-Cola successfully achieved this.

Don’t overwhelm your viewers

You want to post often enough that your brand stays relevant, but you don’t want to post so often at the same time that you overwhelm your followers and they end up unfollowing your account because they feel you’re constantly in their face. Unless you’re running a series or your content is really engaging.

For every brand, there is no magic posting formula that will work. You need to test your audience and see how they respond. I would suggest posting twice daily, alternating times of the day as a starting point to find out when your highest commitment happens. Then begin experimenting with more and fewer posts a day, paying real attention to engagement.

Recommended Content: 8 Places to Find Free Music for Your Youtube Channel.

5 Essential Instagram Marketing Tips
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