Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

7 Freelance Jobs That Are In Demand Right Now

A freelancer is a self-employed individual who offers services, often working on several jobs for multiple clients at one time. Freelancers may be paid based on the number of hours worked. As a freelancer, you set the rules regarding working hours, and who you’re willing to work with.

Web developer

Web developers design and create websites. They are accountable for the appearance and functionalities of websites. They are also accountable for the technical aspects of the site, such as its efficiency and ability, which are indicators of the speed on the website and how much traffic can be handled by the site. Some developers called full-stack developers manage all aspects of the creation of a website, and others specialize in a specific aspect of it. According to Glassdoor, web developers make an average of $75,000. The following are examples of types of specialized web developers

Backend developers: For the overall technical construction of the website, back-end web developers are responsible. They build the site’s basic architecture and ensure that it operates as planned. Back-end web developers set up processes to allow others to add new pages to the website and they meet with management to discuss substantial improvements to the website.

Frontend Developers: For how a website looks, front-end web developers are responsible. They create the layout of the site and integrate graphics, apps, and other content. They also write programs for web design in a range of programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are visual communicators who, by hand or through the use of computer software, construct visual concepts. Through both physical and virtual art forms that include pictures, words, or graphics, they communicate ideas to inspire, educate, or captivate consumers. Graphic designers often collaborate on projects with artists, multimedia animators, and other creative professionals.

A graphic designer’s main aim is to make the companies that employ them recognizable and popular. They express a clear concept or personality to be used in advertisements and promotions through the use of a range of media. Photography, animations, logos, and billboard art are used in these media.  A designer earns between $30,000 and $55,000 yearly

Content Creator

A content creator is anyone who produces content. It can be anything from creating a copy to content on social media. Content creators are also called influencers when they have a significant effect on their audience. In the digital industry, content creation is becoming very popular. If you’re an expert in your field or if you are good at expressing yourself through your writing, it might be an interesting solution for you to become a content creator for companies that require them. A person working as a Content Creator typically earns around $1500 per month. He/She might earn $12,000 to $35,000 yearly.

The production of content is, at its core, a form of micro-storytelling. The subject matter is not the only problem at hand and with each new piece of material, whether it be a graphic, a short video, or a deeply researched blog post. What matters is how you decide to frame and approach the story. To be a Content Creator, you’ll need to be coordinated and innovative, technical, and adaptive, motivated, and diverse.


A freelance copywriter is someone who, on a contract basis, writes words for commercial use. Freelance copywriters may work closely with clients or through middlemen such as agencies or online work exchanges. The text created by a freelance copywriter can be used in advertising, blogs, and digital media, printed ads, or anywhere else, but it has some sort of practical purpose, whether it’s convincing customers to buy a product or just giving them information.

A freelance career in copywriting can involve a wide variety of customers, assignments, and types. At all stages, you can speak to developers, executives, and advertisers, each with their specific communication issues to solve. Although you will probably be more involved in some jobs than others, the overall variety means life is never dull as a freelance copywriter. The chance to learn more is always there. As a copywriter, You get a steady and consistent pay check. This means that you might earn $30,000 to $75,000 a year.

Social media manager

Social Media Managers are online community managers. They know how to express brand attributes in a positive way, similar to PR professionals. A great manager knows how to build content, respond to customers, and engage leaders. As a social media manager, you will be responsible for controlling the business social media platforms, attracting followers, bringing the company’s message and voice across, and engaging in a customer-service-type role with social media users. This position was nonexistent a decade ago. More businesses are now adopting social media for the acquisition of consumers, and social management is also important. With the increasing demand for Social Media Managers, they earn over $1000 monthly.


Producers are the people responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure, services, and resources that allow their creative things to be done by the people concerned only with the creative process. Therefore, producers are the essential executors who manage cash, schedules, contracts, workers, and many other less glamorous activities that are critical to making a production happen. So it seems, in short, that producers are the artists’ support system.

They are the individuals who find the idea, who link stakeholders to their idea, and who ultimately add structure to the movie, television/radio, and theatrical production’s usually chaotic phase.

They are responsible for staying focused on the larger picture and ensuring that the whole manufacturing machine operates efficiently and successfully from initiation to completion, to advertising, and the audience. A Producer will most likely earn between $72,000 to $108,000 based on education and experience.

Curriculum Developer

If you have a deep passion for education and research but do not want to teach, you may also want to try becoming a curriculum developer. They are also known as instructional coordinators. They focus on the subjects that students study and the tools that teachers use in teaching them. The average salary for a Curriculum Developer is $63,032.

You will also need to show strong computer, teamwork, communication, and analytical skills with strong attention to details as a curriculum developer. Coordinating curriculum delivery, reviewing teacher’s teaching, analyzing student test results, recommending textbooks to students, and mentoring teachers on instructional strategies are all part of a curriculum developer job description.

To implement new learning principles and show efficient teaching approaches, some curriculum developers may also be active in holding teacher training conferences.

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7 Freelance Jobs That Are In Demand Right Now
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