Magnus Okeke

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5 Tools that Let you Remove Backgrounds for Free

5 Tools that Let you Remove Image Backgrounds for Free

Removing unwanted backgrounds from your image does not have to be a tedious task. There are situations that call for a compulsory removal of your picture’s original background. For example, when you are creating graphics for your brand on social media. Or when the picture you snapped looks like it could have been better if the background was removed. You don’t have to be stuck with these unwanted backgrounds.

There are so many tools online that you could recruit to help you cut out all that annoying image background. With these tools, you can also set a color for the new edited background, rotate the background, crop and add other effects to make your photo/image more captivating. Many of these tools allow you to remove image backgrounds in just seconds and the tools are mostly free.

Below, we will recommend 5 tools that you can access on the internet that will do the image background removal job for you excellently. Let’s check them out! is an online tool that you can count on to remove all unwanted backgrounds from your image automatically and for free. You don’t have to pay a dime! All you have to do is visit their website, click on the “upload image” icon and edit the uploaded image to your taste. Apart from removing backgrounds, will also add new backgrounds for you if you want. For example, if you want to use an image for customized ads, you can remove the original background and add the desired background to the image for your ad. And it takes only 5 seconds to remove backgrounds. We made a video to show you how works. Click here to watch it

Trace by Stickermule

Trace is another quality tool you can employ to remove backgrounds for you. The tool is absolutely free to use for everyone. You just have to visit their webpage and sign up for an account. Once you’re signed up, you can then sign in and start using the tool. The entire sign up process is very quick and you will become a member in seconds. The online tool allows you to remove backgrounds with precision, add colours to your background, another image of your choice to the image’s background, and more. They also offer printing of images on objects like stickers and buttons too for a few bucks.

PhotoRoom – Make Studio Photo

This online tool is currently only available for iPhone users. This is a handy app that is available on Apple store. It allows you to remove an unwanted image background and automatically makes the image studio standard. The app has a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 from more than 11,000 users. The app is free to use, but there are other in-app purchases too.


This online web tool allows you to remove all image backgrounds in just 5 seconds. It is very automatic and free to use. When you visit the website, just upload your image and start editing to your preference. The online tool is handy for photographers, designers, and personal users. The tool makes the whole process of removing image backgrounds fast and easy to do. The web tool also saves you so much time and the hassle of hiring designers and Photoshop experts to edit an image for you. With this tool, you don’t have to waste time selecting pixels after pixels of the image background to remove The Slazzer A.I. will automatically remove the background for you in seconds.

Social Book Background Remover

This online tool allows you to remove a person’s image entirely from your picture in one click. There is a limit to the photo size that can be uploaded though. The maximum size of picture is 5MB that can be edited on the website. You can test run the web tool’s efficacy by removing the backgrounds of some of the free pics on their website. The online tool is easy to navigate and use, very simple and you don’t have to install it because it is not an application. The online tool is designed mainly to cut out unwanted people from your image and its background.

These 5 tools explained above are some of the best tools you will find on the internet to edit your images and remove unwanted background. Do you know any other tool? Please share with us in the comments below

5 Tools that Let you Remove Backgrounds for Free
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