Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Get Udemy Courses With Certificates for Free

How to Get all Udemy Courses With Certificates for Free

I made a tweet about how to get Udemy courses to your email daily for free awhile back and I realized a lot of people missed it. I don’t have so many twitter followers anyways.

How does this work?

There is a platform that would send you Udemy courses daily with free coupons to get the courses for free. You will receive these courses daily once you subscribe to the platform’s email list with your phone.

Do I have to pay?

No. You don’t have to pay a dime.

Are the certificates issued by Udemy?

Yes. It’s still the same Udemy. You’re just buying the courses for free.

Can I download the Courses?

Yes. I made a separate post on there here

How do I start?

Visit this page and subscribe with your email address. That’s all.

[bctt tweet=”I just learned how to get Udemy Courses With Certificates for Free” username=”iammagnus1″]

Get Udemy Courses With Certificates for Free
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