Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

A Free Spreadsheet for Tracking/Calculating your Income and Expenses

A free expense tracking spreadsheet

I recently created a spreadsheet for tracking your expenses and income during a freelance class on Udemy and I thought it might interest you because what gets measured gets managed.

The spreadsheet is free. So you can go to File -> Make a copy to clone it for personal use or you can download it as an excel spreadsheet if you want. It is also automated, so you can enter a new item in the columns and it would automatically calculate your Total Income, Total Expense or Total revenue for you.
Feel free to use it and don’t forget to share it. Thanks

Click here to download or clone a copy

Update: Please change your browser if the page or sheet is blank on your end. I use Google Chrome on Android

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Here is a free spreadsheet for tracking/calculating your Income and expenses by @iammagnus1″ quote=”Here is a free spreadsheet for tracking/calculating your Income and expenses.”]

Don’t forget to check out my new post on: How to Send Notes to Yourself on WhatsApp

A Free Spreadsheet for Tracking/Calculating your Income and Expenses
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