Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

NEW: Okadabooks 3.0.7 With Credit/Debit Card Refill Options

We now have the Credit/Debit Refill options on Okadabooks

Okay, how long was i gone?… were you gone? Never mind. We’re still alive anyway. So, with lots of money to be made from your books and little to spend on others’ own, Okadabooks took a BIG step recently to add a refill system we’ve all been asking for… The type without stress… The CARDS payment system. So, this means you could pay with your bank cards… Any bank!

For you to use the new refill systems, update your App version by clicking HERE

Now, this does not mean the old payment system is off the webapp or Android app. It’s still there… THEY are still there.
I’ll walk you through the new system and we’ll see what happened to the previous payment

So, to refill your account, as usual,

go to your Profile or Account/Refill (in the app)
You’ll find an option that says REFILL.
Click on it.
You’ll land on a page. Something similar to the image below:
Select: ADD CARD TO PAYMENT to add your card. If you would like to use any of the previous refill methods, click on the option that says: Click here for other refill options
A page like the one below will open when you select ADD CARD TO PAYMENT
Fill in your details as appropriate. The CVC code is the 3-digits code behind the card.
The card number is the 16-digits boldly inscribed on the card
Once you’re done, you’ll get a similar page like the one below
So, you can go ahead and input your amount (Minimum input is 1000 naira) and refill. You’ll get an alert sooner or later (depending on your bank) that the refilled amount has been deducted.
Now, you might be worried about the 5% VAT thing. The image below clearly shows how it works, i refilled 1000 naira by the way.


If you have questions, suggestions or complaints, kindly leave a comment here or contact me:

NEW: Okadabooks 3.0.7 With Credit/Debit Card Refill Options
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