Magnus Okeke

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OMG: Author Ibitola Ojoye Shares Acceptance For Free On OkadaBooks To Mark The New Year

Hmmm, (In Obama’s voice: It is no fiction or doubt in our modernized, fragile and violent world that …*pauses*…. an Author could touch lives.) She is not just an “Author.” As a matter of fact, she is a successful London based author that knows what she is doing. Yup, the numerous shows, interviews and book signings she’s been about after the release of Acceptance: Into Darkness is speaking it all…. and still spoking. lol

The first time those awesome books reached OkadaBooks, they were worth the price of #350 or #500 or there about, anyways, it doesn’t matter anymore because…. I’m about to tell you the books are FREE on Okadabooks right now………. Wait, i just told you the books are FREE on Okadabooks. If i were you, i would download the OkadaBooks App On Android or on Blackberry and purchase both books before the festive season wears off and she raises the book’s price to 1k… lol.

It’s because she met black santa and he told her that the blue santa had bought her books for Santa clause to give to OkadaBooks users (Does that make sense? no!, it does.)
I will not speak for her but according to her, “…To mark us walking into this new year of 2015” Awww, she has a good heart. For me, It’s because she knows Amazon will not allow us pay for the books in Naira… (**sobs, give that woman a Medal).
So folks, Simply get the OkadaBooks App and search for “Acceptance,” buy it and make sure you download it so you don’t come back here for another free option when the prices return. +Ibitola Ojoye-Adebayo +Ibitola Adebayo Thank you!
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OMG: Author Ibitola Ojoye Shares Acceptance For Free On OkadaBooks To Mark The New Year
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