Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Christmas Chicken?: Diseases Caused By Chicken

Maybe it’s not chicken alone, maybe i’m talking about all kinds of meat but you’d probably start swearing if i ask you not to eat any meat on Christmas. And some people hate fish “because of what they do in water”— It’s a quote. hehehe
Both loved for it’s meat and eggs, Chickens can be quite “irresistible” on a norm but due to the various pathogenic organisms they carry, they can be a source of a number of bacterial and viral-related diseases and infections. Here are some below

1. Avian Flu
Chickens and other fowl are known to be carriers of this virus, showing no symptoms of illness while infected with the viral strain. The avian flu virus can be transported via the air as well as in chicken feces. Symptoms of this illness in people include high fever, coughing, aching muscles, and both vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Campylobacteriosis
Like other chicken-related infections, this bacterium can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It also can lead to Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease that could result in paralysis. Campylobacter is another pathogenic bacterium that can be transferred to humans by eating infected chicken meat. This microorganism is one of the most common sources of food-related poisoning in people. Still want to eat any chicken, How about…

3. Salmonellosis
Salmonella poisoning, or salmonellosis, is probably the most common bacterial affliction that humans can attribute to chickens. The infection is passed by eating chicken meat or eggs that have been contaminated with this bacterium. Salmonellosis is characterized by high fever, abdominal cramping and diarrhea, and it is especially dangerous when it affects young children, the elderly or people with compromised immune systems.

Credits: Demi Buckley

Christmas Chicken?: Diseases Caused By Chicken
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