Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Search Results for: Alat

How to Make Money From Cowrywise App

Cowrywise is special in our list of apps that let you save and invest. And it’s not because of their cool UI. I will explain why at some point in this short post on how to make money from Cowrywise App. What is Cowrywise App? Cowrywise is an app that helps you save and invest. […]

In Nigeria? You Should Invest In these Ideas

Since the birth (and death?) of MMM and similar Ponzi schemes in Nigeria, everyone has been really careful about where they put their money, most people actually. Anyways, I will be sharing a couple of Ideas or platforms or startups or… (call it whatever you want) that you should be putting your money in right […]

Inspired: Collyde Prime – Small

Seriously, i never knew Collyde Prime writes. Last time i thought about it, illustrators are believed to be Animation freaks, i don’t remember the planter of that idea in me both it grew. Even when they do, pssstchew! na cartoons and fantasy. They create a world that doesn’t exist with a bad guy and some […]

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