Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Make Money From Printivo’s Marketplace

How to Make Money From Printivo's Marketplace

Printivo marketplace is a designer marketplace where anyone can create and sell designs on print products and earn 15% royalties on their designs. Simply put, you create your designs on their platform and they print them!

Here’s why you need the Printivo Marketplace

An Easy Business Model

You don’t need capital to start up the business. With the Printivo Marketplace, You get your own custom-made online store with creative designs from which your customers can order. No sourcing for an office space or running around for customers.

You can get print materials with ease

No more bickering with printers at Shomolu over your association’s merchandise. All you need is your smartphone and your items would get delivered to your doorstep

You get to make money!

Who doesn’t like the money? With the Printivo Marketplace, you earn a 15% royalty fee on all purchased merchandise in the store. Now, imagine selling 100 items in your store? Let’s leave the calculation to you.

You can get started by visiting:

How to Make Money From Printivo’s Marketplace
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