Magnus Okeke

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5 Free And Powerful Website Builders For Businesses

5 Free And Powerful Website Builders For Your Business

As your business grows larger, you would want to create an online presence. And you can do that with website builders. A website builder is an online platform that allows you to create websites without writing or editing code. It is relatively easy to work with a website builder since they provide a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editing interface, which ensures what you see when editing your website is what you would actually see if your website has been live and viewed in a browser.

5 Free And Powerful Website Builders For Your Business

The best website builders have many features, including professional website templates, drag-and-drop editors, and ‘onboard’ hosting services that are simple to work with. I would be sharing five popular ones with you.


WordPress is a popular and powerful website builder that allows you to create your personal website, blog, or e-commerce store with little or no coding experience. There are two types of WordPress – which is self-hosted by you and which is free. A third of the Internet is run by WordPress and it has the best content management system. WordPress allows you to change the appearance of your website by using a set of templates called themes. Each theme comes with a stylesheet that defines how each section of a WordPress site is displayed. There are lots of free and premium WordPress themes available online.

To extend your website, it gives you access to a vast set of add-ons and plugins. This enormous access to specialized software allows you to do whatever you want. Due to its popularity, WordPress also has integrations available for almost all common third-party software like your email marketing program, lead generation tool, SEO tools, CRM software, and payment gateways. WordPress is one of the best website builders on the planet.


Wix is a powerful drag and drop website builder. It helps you to create and sell through your website with hundreds of templates and great tools. Friendly and flexible for beginners, Wix is perfect for everything from personal online portfolios to websites for small businesses.

The powerful template editor from Wix gives you total creative control without having to know a code word. Wix gives you two options: Wix ADI or Wix Editor. Based on your answers to a few questions, Wix ADI designs your website for you. You can then edit the final design, but this process is not ideal if you want absolute power. While, Wix Editor uses drag-and-drop tools, meaning you can reposition something on your website simply by clicking and holding the object, then dragging it where you like. Wix is also one of the best website builders out there.


Squarespace is a website builder targeted primarily at owners of small businesses. Thanks to a user-friendly content management system, users can create a professional site in a browser without coding and edit it easily. Squarespace supports third-party integration like Google Suite, Google Adwords, Mailchimp, PayPal, and Stripe Plugins. It also gives you the ability to add your own CSS style to customize the way your website looks.

All the templates provided by Squarespace are responsive meaning that no matter the device your website is viewed from, It would look aesthetically pleasing. Another useful feature Squarespace has is the logo designing tool. This lets you design a business logo from a vast selection of symbols and typeface.


According to their website “Ucraft is a drag and drop website builder for anyone who wants to create a professional and responsive website. Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, artist, blogger, or anything in between, build a website, and present your brand in the best possible light.” They offer responsive designs that adjust themselves to various screen sizes and device types.

While Ucraft is not the most robust website builder on the market, it is a great choice of website design and online selling for users who are newcomers. And the platform’s free option works well for those on a slim budget. Since Ucraft is cloud-based software, you do not have to follow any hardware or software specifications. The most recent versions of Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox are supported by Ucraft. Internet Explorer isn’t supported by Ucraft.


SITE123 is a streamlined website builder that offers fundamental content building blocks that can be organized to accommodate a wide range of businesses. After answering a series of questions on sign-up, Your site will be generated automatically by their AI and it would be populated with background images and content based on the category you chose for your site at the beginning of the creation process. All sites generated are responsive, and it supports third-party integration for e-commerce.

5 Free And Powerful Website Builders For Businesses
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