Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Get Remote Jobs Faster with WWR Learning Portal

Get Remote Jobs Faster with WWR Learning Portal

It doesn’t matter the job you’re looking for, WWR has you covered!

I shared a couple of places you could find remote jobs earlier this year and one of them, in fact, topping the list is or (WWR). Now overtime, WWR has evolved beyond vacancies and jobs you might be interested in. I’m happy to announce that you can now learn about remote work and kickstart your remote life with WWR’s Learning Academy.

WeWorkRemotely’s Learning Portal has a couple of resources to help you transition from your traditional 9-5 to a remote life. Some of these resources include Cover Letter Templates, Resume Templates, Outreach Email Templates and Job interview questions and tests.

That’s not all, there is also an Event Calendar section for upcoming webinars and other events you could join to progress as a remote worker. This is where you will also find remote jobs faster while nurturing your skills.

They are also offering CV reviews, 1 on 1 coaching and more opportunities that would help you grow. Check out the portal and go remote!


Get Remote Jobs Faster with WWR Learning Portal
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