Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Create an Alternate Email For Your Gmail Account

How to Create an Alternate Email For Your Gmail Account

In theory, you cannot change your Gmail address. Google does not allow this, probably because your email address is tied to other Google products out there but you can create an alternate email for your Gmail account or just create a new Gmail account? I will be teaching you the former.

Before we proceed, do you know that: is same as You own all dotted versions of your address. You can learn more here.

This is not really related to what I’m about to show you. I just thought to slip it in as a fun fact if you don’t already know.

In this post, I will be explaining how to create an alternate email for your Gmail Account.

Table of Contents

What is an Alternate Email?

According to Google, alternate emails are other email addresses you can use to sign in to your account. They can also be used to reach you in case you get locked out. It’s a non-Gmail email address you can add to your account and use it to sign in, recover your password and more.

How to Create An Alternate Email

You can add an alternate email address for your Gmail by following the steps below:
Visit your Google account settings page (
Click on Personal Info
Click on Contact Info (Email)
Then go to Advanced
And add an Alternate Email and save
The little screenshot below will show you how as well

Google Alternate Email Kapwing

An alternate email for your Google account must be a different email service (not Gmail). You can’t use a Gmail account as an alternate email for your Gmail account.

Alternate emails

Also, you will be required to verify the alternate email address – Google would send a confirmation email to the newly added alternate email. See screenshot sample below:

Alternate email confirmation Google

You can learn more about alternate emails by clicking here.

How to Create an Alternate Email For Your Gmail Account
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