Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Add a Live Chat to Any Link you Share

From time to time you want to share a link with someone and also keep in touch (with them) while they are checking out the page you just shared, right? I haven’t really thought about it until I discovered an amazing tool that lets you add a live feature to any link you share with friends, family or basically anyone else. The name of the product that lets you do this is Bespoke.

Bespoke Live chat iammagnus

What is Bespoke?

Bespoke attaches a live chat to any link you share, enabling you to turn your influence into sales. Chat boxes appear natively embedded on the web pages you share. It could be any web page, including Wikipedia, Medium or a blog post out there.

I see Bespoke as powerful digital marketing addon and I’m not the only one who thinks every digital marketer needs it.

“Simply sharing other people’s content doesn’t generate leads — you need to get your audience into one-on-one sales conversations. With Bespoke, each link you share becomes customer outreach.” – Louis (One of the makers of Bespoke)

Is Bespoke Free?

The free version allows you to create and share unlimited links without support or integrations.

The Startup plan lets you created unlimited links, unlimited integrations and support for $4/user/month. The Enterprise version gives you everything unlimited for $399/month. The enterprise vision sounds great for big teams and organisations – you won’t have to pay per user per month.

Additional Features

Bespoke also a Dashboard where you can track the number of links you have created, share them on social media and chat with users who are using the links.

They are also working on a publisher program that would allow publishers and creators to earn revenue when they enable Bespoke on their website.

I cannot contain my excitement about this tool because there are so many things I could do with it. I see the opportunities! Do you?


How to Add a Live Chat to Any Link you Share
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