Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

Do Smart Things With Your Smartphone

I was in a use of library class once and there was this little debate between the lecturer and half the class about the school library’s Wifi password and why the students do not just get it and use. The lecturer was making us, the students see reasons why the password cannot be handed to every student in the institution. One of the reasons being that some students do stupid things with the internet connection. He told us a story about one of his walks in the library and how he caught a student watching pornography with the library’s connection on his laptop.
Smart phone
I wept… Okay, i didn’t weep but it was just unthinkable… The School’s toilet library.
I’ve heard about friends people who do other stupid things on their Smartphones. I am not guilty; I read and blog with mine, like a lot – From BBC to Okadaplugs; readers lead!
A smartphone comes with an Operating system that runs hundreds of apps. These apps could be used to make money, connect people and organizations, start a team or learn something new every day; something that could be used to save money lives. So, before you think of starting something stupid, remember, ‘It’s a Smartphone.’ Don’t do stupid things with it. Go out there, connect with people and build something or establish a reasonable relationship with them.
Do Smart Things With Your Smartphone
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