Magnus Okeke

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5 Easy Steps To Care For Your Underarms (Armpit)

Most underarms have taken a lot of abuse, especially in women. A man could even keep his distance from a woman due to the smell of it. Hairs could be tolerated anywhere around the body but not your armpits. Here’s five simple steps to work it clean…. and smooth

Shave: This might sound really weird (if you shave) but most people love to keep hairs under their pit. If its grown, cut it, cut the price or else.., it might embarrass you someday too. And always shave in the shower so the hot water and shaving cream can soften the hair. If you don’t shave regularly, the pit could be irritating and
discomforting. It could even give you sleepless nights, especially when you don’t bath before going to bed.

Use a fresh blade: Blunt razors are dangerous and they tend to cause you spend a lot of time shaving. Sometimes these blunt razors make you exert more pressure on the armpit and this could scrap your skin. Change your blade every few weeks or when you notice a change on the razor. Hairs grow in different directions, approach them from all angles and know when to stop shaving.Also, to remove the dark patches from your armpit use a good quality razor, if you have dark patches.

Wash!: When we talk about body odor and hygiene, most women often point fingers at men and these men point theirs at a particular tribe or ethnicity. Be it true or not, a woman is supposed to bath twice a day and wash the armpit while she’s bathing.

No spray, no rub: Sometimes, you just have to wash and keep it dry. This is often common when you’re home. No sweats

Waxing: Firstly, to remove the dark patches from your armpit use a good quality razor and women should prefer waxing than shaving to get rid of the unwanted hair. Waxing is a better alternative than shaving because it removes the unwanted hair from the root and the hair growth takes more time too. However, women who cannot withstand the pain of waxing can choose a razor having moisturizing lining. Make sure to apply moisturizer after shaving to avoid drying of the armpit due to dehydration.

For a woman, it’s really not cool to leave hairs in your pit, no matter the tribe or culture, complications will still arise if you don’t shave often.

Credits: Google

5 Easy Steps To Care For Your Underarms (Armpit)
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