Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

How to Earn ₦21,000 Weekly on Coinprofile

How to Earn ₦21,000 Weekly on Coinprofile

Coinprofile allows anyone, anywhere in the world to send money to Africa. It’s fast, seamless and free!

Send and receive money with friends and family, and exchange your Crypto for local currency. No sign up required. It’s crazy fast and with zero fees.

How to Earn ₦21,000 Weekly on Coinprofile

You can earn ₦21,000 weekly by joining their next update waitlist, Coinprofile 2.0.

  • Firstly, you need a Coinprofile account. If you don’t have one yet, Click here to create an account (5 minutes)
  • 👈🏼 Then, click the arrow to fill the waitlist form (1 minute)
  • Share your Coinprofile username with friends and send them the link to this page. When they fill the form with your username, you get a point and move up the leaderboard – How to get your Coinprofile username (1 minute)
  • While registering, if you don’t have a username to add, feel free to use mine @iammagnus1

Total completion time: 7 minutes!

You can check the weekly leaderboard to see the winners and perks by clicking here

Their Twitter:

How to Earn ₦21,000 Weekly on Coinprofile
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