Magnus Okeke

Product Manager, Content Creator, Customer Support

But Who Is A Nigerian Geek?

Who is a Nigerian Geek?

A programmer friend of mine was called for a web designing job in Lagos, on getting there, the staffs of the company where in a meeting and he was required in the same meeting for some reasons known to them. He walked in and the Oga (boss) of the company yelled “Are you here for the interview? Why are you dressed like you came to see your friend?” He had said it with so much hatred in his face but my loyal but pissed off helpless friend didn’t reply him. He stood and watched the rude oga babble “…look at the way you’re dressed.”
What was the Oga putting on? Black suit. My friend? He was wearing a CLEAN (intentionally capitalized) T shirt, black trousers and shoes. Was he there to take up a permanent job? Not really. They needed a web designer, that’s all.

While i was narrating this to another guy, he explained: “There are so many awesome things they don’t teach you in a computer science class that undergraduates are learning online but when they go for interviews, they’d have to tender certificates or else, no job.”

The entire occurrence got me wondering: This smart guy was treated like this (obviously because he’s not in a black suit with a 6 inch tie around his 22 year old neck) and most of these guys who learnt outside the “Nigerian” school are insulted asked for papers… Who is a Nigerian Geek?

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But Who Is A Nigerian Geek?
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